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1. 파이썬 공식 홈페이지
Welcome to Python.org
The official home of the Python Programming Language
2. 파이썬 배포판 홈페이지
- Anaconda , Python(x, y) , WinPython
2-1. Anaconda
Anaconda | The World's Most Popular Data Science Platform
Anaconda is the standard platform for Python data science, leading in open source innovation for machine learning. Develop, manage, collaborate, and govern at scale with our enterprise platform.
2-2. Python(x, y)
Python-xy.GitHub.io by python-xy
In many ways, Python is far more superior to other scientific languages: it's a general-purpose language (e.g. with powerful GUI, I/O, internet, and database libraries), it's free and open-source, fundamentally object-oriented, very portable, extensible an
2-3. WinPython
Project Home is on Github, downloads pages are on Sourceforge and Github, md5-sha , Discussion Group Recent Releases Release 2019-04 of December 23rd, 2019 Highlights (*): Pandas-0.25.3, Scipy-1.4.1, scikit-learn-0.22.0, Numpy-1.17.4, Torch-1.3.0, Tensorfl
3. Anaconda 설치
- 아나콘다 홈페이지에 들어가서 설치 파일을 다운로드 받고, 설치.
4. spyder 실행하고 print("hello world"); 하면 파이썬 공부 끝!?!??!
'IT > Python' 카테고리의 다른 글
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